已故雷鬼传奇人物Bob marley(鲍勃马利)最小的儿子,是Bob Marley和Cindy Breakspeare (辛迪布雷克斯皮尔,1976年世界小姐)所生。“Jr Gong”是其昵称原名“Junior Gong”,起源于父亲的昵称“Tuff Gong”。也是Bob Marley儿子中唯一有昵称的人。从小便和家族中所有成员一样,是一个全职音乐人。13岁开始踏上音乐之旅的“Jr Gong”,是曾13次格莱美获奖的雷鬼艺术家,在美国Billboard 200专辑榜中也曾获得第七名的好成绩。2005年,当《Welcome To Jamrock》专辑中的同名主打歌曲“Welcome to Jamrock”成为雷鬼乐TOP10中的第五名,引发许多乐迷的狂热,这让“Jr Gong”感到有点意外。这一首商业上相当成功的歌曲,叙述的是“Jr Gong”遥远的祖国牙买加,对一个正在遭受政治暴力肆虐的国家进行强硬的评击,而且抱着“绝对不道歉”的态度。他相信能通过声音和多年的努力,向人们证明真理的存在。这次成功证明他无愧为Marley家族中的成员,但是那绝非是偶然的,“Jr Gong”说:“我花了很多时间思考,是应该获得劳动成果的。”
Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley (born July 21, 1978) is a Jamaican reggae artist who has won three Grammy awards. Damian is the youngest son of Bob Marley.
Damian was two years old when his father Bob Marley died; he is the only child born to Marley and Cindy Breakspeare, Miss World 1976. Damian's nickname Junior Gong is derived from his father's nickname of Tuff Gong. Marley has been performing since the age of 13. He shares, along with most of his family, a full-time career in music.