Hey !

Children always sway and move in a rhythmic and dynamic atmosphere. Regardless of whether the child likes or dislike music , sound will stimulate children's sensation and response naturally by showing: joy, happiness and cheerful mood. The joy of music will accompany them throughout their journey of life.
孩子总是在有韵律、有动感的氛围内摇摆、动起来。不管孩子喜欢或不喜欢音乐、只要有声音的旋律响起、孩子的脸上自然会流露出喜悦、快乐和愉快的心情。这种喜悦往往就是让他们在成长的过程中难以忘怀、刻骨铭心。希望Hey 这首歌、能为他们的生命带来无限的希望、自信和享受。