Her Snakeness

"Her Snakeness" is a concept album. It is the continuation of the first album "So in my mind...", and it represent a kind of virtual suicide have in place to be reborn in a new way.
The artist feel disavowing her being in order to be accepted by people she loved. With rage, calls into question the relationships with lovers and parents. Then she destroys everything in order to rebuild the same relationships in a different and truer way.
The notion of time, continuously harassing Silversnake, come back in every song and it merges sometimes with the notion of space. Clock is ticking, relentlessly reducing the gap to the end of our life's journey.
The artist feel that her "time" does not match the "time" of the rest of mankind. This make her feel different and uneasy, losing the sense of her life. An unreal and fictional life. The world is perceived spinning backwards, too fast, almost throwing her into another dimension.
"Her Snakeness" brings out the most instinctive and reptile side of human being. It bases facts on senses. But senses, over time, are deceptive and unstable.
At first, the artist hopelessly follows her instincts and her needs, indulging them without emotions, just like snake's coldness. Then she quest for herself. She feels like having her soul "stuck into body".
The void is so unbearable she decide to fill it with food, sex, alcohol, and the anger raise and with this anger she does not recognize anymore her mirror image. That mirror taking on reality a warped shape, absurd and surreal and then "the future comes before the past...".
"Her Snakeness" is a "pending" album, a circular logic preventing the artist from coming out of a sceptical reaction to everything around her. A reaction separating her even more from truth.
Lyrics and melodies are all written by Silversnake Michelle. Songs often originates from dreams in which the artists find shelter attempting to colour a boring and foggy reality. Arrangements were created by Michelle and Daniele Marchet