Buries the secret of...

A work defining the closing and the natural ending of the earlier album "Her Snakeness”.
An EP...ilogue of just 3 tracks but, as always, rich in contents and visions.
A closing the circle and, at the same time, a bridge towards an artistic future full of innovations.
Michelle "Buries the secret of...", leaving a mistery's halo around her upcoming works.
Thus begins a new artistic journey, deeper, darker, lonelier (just like the life of a snake), but more immediate and direct.
She strips away uselessness, futility and appearance, to catch the messages of silence. A new molt is about to be.
Tunes and arrangements are easier, less twisted, just like the look for a more direct way of self-expression. The elegance of previous lyrics and arrangements was a way to hide behind the music; now it's time to take that attitude to really face the mirror and grow up.
To take charge of existing and being. To possess the strength to live relying only on ourselves and on reality, without trusting in fake systems and patterns having us off balance and driving the real sense away.
And the new journey begins with this EP.

"Relish the gloomy feeling of your night. So you can give light a new sense."