Louis Siciliano 2023-01-06发行
A SO BEAUTIFUL MASTERWORK. I have never titled one of my writings like this. It’s too demanding. But there are situations where you have to take risks. “There are occasions when a critic really risks. For example, in discovering and spreading the new” - as the director, Jan Pinkava writes - “The world is often averse to new creations. The new needs supporters." And I expose myself in stating that Louis Siciliano's new work, ANCIENT COSMIC TRUTH, should not only be supported, but welcomed as an exceptional creation, in the etymological sense of the word: 'which is an exception' in the panorama of the world of national and international music. From the comparison emerges the conviction that it is a masterpiece.
This work by Louis Siciliano is a masterpiece also because it reaches the completion of a deep musical and existential journey that constitutes the substratum of Ancient cosmic truth. The sonic journey into existence began years ago, when Siciliano developed a philosophical thought that supports his musical project (expressed in the book Music Multiverse Exploration, where a new cosmology of sound is analyzed). The journey continues with the realization of the MUMEx Trio, which was released, with a dense and original album, for this label, in digital platforms all over the world on February 2, 2020. Now, almost a year later, Siciliano presents himself with a new concept, along with extraordinary musicians such as Alex Acuña, Claudio Romano, Randy Brecker, Umberto Muselli and Louis Siciliano himself, who plays keyboards, synths and live electronics. Each of these musicians is incredibly amazing and their skills are put at the service of the overall sound that goes beyond the traditional interplay, in the absolute conviction of realizing an idea of collective music that is guided by the intentions, intuitions and brilliant visions of Louis Siciliano. ANCIENT COSMIC TRUTH will be released January 6th. 2023 (Dr. Renzo Cresti - Musicologist)