Piano Love Songs

Konstantin Tyufyakin 2022-01-09发行
Album with the best works of Konstantin Tyufyakin.
Looking for good piano music or feeling blue and romantic? You are on the right page. Here you'll find a collection of improvisations frosen in time as a simple but succinct musical compositions which weave together lightness and pensive mood.

I appreciate you listening to my music all over the world. Thank you! If you have any questions about whether you can find my music anywhere else or not please feel free to contact me: tiufyakin@gmail.com .

If you want to get some sheet music, visit my musicaneo page https://tyufyakin.musicaneo.com/

All my music is allowed to be used in your videos on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other sites. Any other use of my music requires a special permission or license from me.

Support: https://www.paypal.me/tyufyakin

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Thank you!