On The Ride

SHADOW REBELS 2021-09-17发行
The third full-length studio album by Israeli Progressive Post-Grunge Rock band.
Shadow Rebels decided to approach the recording of the new album in the most Grunge style. Unlike the previous release, which was recorded in a pure studio style, with many overdubs and individual recordings of the musicians, this time all the musicians entered the studio and simultaneously played all the songs one by one, in one day, on a tape recorder.
There are a lot of powerful and fast numbers, Stoner riffs, and heartfelt ballads about the fragility of life. No pathos, only self-irony, despair, reflections on the eternal: about enemies, about friends, about God and the loss of faith, about hope in times, when no place for hope. Everything is about the crazy 21st century, in which the heroes of the songs seem to be through no fault of their own. And as a result - sincere, bordering on nudity, uncompromising Post-Grunge. Deep and simple at the same time.