At first glance “The Mother Code” is an album having a more easy-going style than the previous ones. A rock album with a lot of blues and rap influences and experimentations.
Silversnake enjoys games with words and symbolisms. The lyrics are always very cryptic and metaphorical and, even when they deal with thorny and serious subjects, they match with soft melodies.
In this album there is a strong appeal to childhood . Almost a desire to get back to a more peaceful and gentle period (but has it ever been like that?). Perhaps the going back to choke some regrets, for things not done and for ruined dreams. For not having listened to and trusted to the one's heart voice.
Self-destructive behavior is used to defend herself and to erase feelings and emotions. One tries to fill a void, but the heart becomes cold and heavy almost as if it does want to feel the complete numb. A kind of near-death condition.
Silversnake feels the time marking her steps, ever more fiercely and relentlessly. The days, ever shorter and faster, voluptuously crush us and she sees herself more and more close to that door, beyond which there is the unknown. Here arises the strong fear of dying, the fear of being completely powerless.
The album cover represents the disconnection from two-dimensionality to become three-dimensional. And it is also the insurrection of a Silversnake’s side, raging against herself, for having become as indifferent and insensitive as the hard stone.
All the albums are closely interconnected. The sequence of titles creates a sentence that will be completed at the end of a shared personal journey.