
This compilation "Sublimination" represents a best of by Norse Vitki (André Venås), of Norwegian / Scottish origins, living now in Tennessee, having created the Viking, Doom, Death and Speed Metal one man band Norse Vitki in 2017 (after his first project RavenSkül).
Most songs of the compilation are of genre Viking Metal and some are dedicated to the master of horror and doom H.P Lovecraft and the songs are taken from his new Doom Heavy Death Metal band Curse Of Yig, founded in May 2021 with the Swedish artist Kenneth Hägglöf.
Finally 1 song of this compilation "Hailsa (Rise of Asgard)" is a brilliant cover of the original "Hailsa" (by Norse Vitki) composed by Nick "Yngve" Samios from Athens, founder of Gungnir, drummer at Drama Noir, Sirius, AfterBlood, Flames, Repentless (Slayer tribute band) and session drummer in Marauder.

The specificity of most songs of this compilation is that, contrary to most other of my musical genre, Andre does not sing or scream my lyrics, he rather tells a story with heavy pounding drums and Metal rhythm guitar.

In this compilation you'll find 4 songs by Norse Vitki that were awarded in the Los Angeles Akademia Music Awards in 2018 : "Nemesis", "Hailsa" and "Where Have All the Kings Gone" and "Loki's Holiday in Asgard" that won in 2021 the Akademia Rising Star Award.