时光倒流七十年(电影音乐完全美国编曲 演奏、录制)

群星 2019-02-28发行
Somewhere in Time
重奏优雅怀旧的经典世界电影名曲 回顾流金岁月中光影交错的浓情瞬间
Golden Songs from the Silver Screen: Unforgettable Melodies from World Cinema
《一生所爱》、《末代皇帝》、《坠入情网》、《我相信》……本专辑所收录的十二首电影主题音乐,皆来自于脍炙人口的影史佳作。瑞鸣音乐制作人叶云川,希望能够通过这些诞生于镁光灯下,曾经温暖和启迪过无数心灵的经典旋律,回溯时光,重温被定格在胶片中的璀璨记忆,在这个瞬息万变的世界上,追寻生命中遗失的纯真与美好。知名作曲家Josh Nelson及其所邀请的跨界乐团,曾参与制作瑞鸣音乐出品的《星空》、《世界的声音》专辑,在海内外备受赞誉,此次他灵感勃发、创造力非凡的精湛编曲技法,以及乐团成员充满童真、深情满溢的即兴合奏,再次使人收获惊喜。

What is it that attracts us to the art of film? Is it the ticket sales? The marketing? The Red Carpets? The Glamor? Perhaps it's images and ideas and the way a flickering shadow and the songs that accompany those stories written in time combine for a sublime and moving experience. In "Yesenia", love blooms despite the barriers of race and class and a new truth about the human condition emerges. In "Léon: The Professional" we meet a professional assassin whose life is transformed as the result of taking in an orphan girl, herself a victim of violence. In “Cinema Paradiso", film itself becomes the story when a successful, middle-aged movie director returns to his hometown to honor the memory of his old friend, the town projectionist, the man who first taught him to love the art of film. Whether it's tales of young love, gripping social commentary, or adventures across time and space, the power and beauty of stories told on the silver screen weave a seductive web.
When immersed in the cinema's world of images, time becomes an illusion as decades of history dance before our eyes. But there is another dimension that enhances our experience of the stories we are watching - MUSIC! Whether black & white or color, songs were crafted to frame the images we watched - many of which have taken on an incredible life of their own independent of the films where they were first heard! Like a golden thread, these songs weave together hundreds of classic moments. Each time we hear these familiar melodies, our own lives merge with images on the screen and our memories of when and where and who we were with when we first heard those songs all come back to us, and we return to these unforgettable songs and films time and again, to retrace the steps of our own journeys in life.
"Love in A Life Time", "The Last Emperor", "When I Fall in Love", "I Believe"... each of the twelve movie songs featured on this album are milestones in the history of the film. Ye Yunchuan, Rhymoi's critically acclaimed producer, hopes that through these beloved melodies, born under the spotlight, and loved by millions around the globe, will transport you back in time to revisit your own memories that have been so perfectly captured in these films, and immerse yourself once again in a moment of beauty and escape from our hectic day-to-day world. Critically acclaimed composer Josh Nelson and his hand-picked international ensemble have previously appeared on the Rhymoi productions of "Starry Sky" and "The Voice of the World." Praised at home and abroad, they have come together once again to perform these exquisitely crafted arrangements, so full of innocence and yearning, with a few surprises added for good measure!
Beautiful images and beautiful music, like an endless film loop, playing in our minds, forever awakening childhood dreams, the pain of first love, and true heart's repose, can be experienced over and over again in this magical encounter between music and light and shadow. Indeed, when hearing these songs brought to life once again, the Chinese word for film, 电影, dianying - Electric Shadows - perfectly describes the wonder and haunting beauty of this celluloid art.
Josh Nelson 作曲家,钢琴家,出生及成长于美国加州南部。清新自然而颇具个人特征的音乐风格,使他在行业内获得了诸多赞誉,赢得包括路易斯·阿姆斯特朗奖在内的众多奖项,从而在爵士音乐领域中享有一席之地。在本张专辑的制作中,他担纲编曲一职,并在现场录音的过程中负责钢琴的演奏。
多年来,Josh录制了大量的音乐唱片、电影、电视节目,并为在黄金时段播出的有线电视网节目和电影短片创作配乐。此外他还发行了多张个人创作专辑,包括《Anticipation》(2004)、《Let it Go》(2007)、《I Hear a Rhapsody》(2009)、《Discoveries》(2011)、《Exploring Mars》(2015)等等,作为一名爵士钢琴家,他也曾经与Natalie Cole、Anthony Wilson、George Mraz等多位爵士名家合作演出。
编曲、钢琴(Arranger、Piano):Josh Nelson
长笛(Flute):Yutin Liu
吉他(Guitar):Will Brahm
大提琴(Cello):Artyom Manukyan
女声独唱(Vocals):Kathleen Grace
小号(Trumpet):Chris Lawrence
贝斯(Bass):Dave Robaire / Anna Butterss
中提琴(Viola): Miguel Alwood-Ferguson
鼓(Drums): Dan Schnelle
录音棚(Recording Studio):Tritone Studios
混音和制作工作室(Mixing and mastering Studio):Tritone Studios