
zéUNITAS 2020-12-21发行
zéUNITAS' masterpeace is a full body of sounds that, in only 6 tracks, covers a sizeable blend of world cultures with experimental explorations that represent the abstract. drawing influences from folk to popular, east to west, sacred to secular--it was zéUNITAS' intent to unify opposing concepts into a singular cradled groove as implied by his name. if the year 2020 has revealed anything, it was the propensity to point the finger outwards for fortune to failure. turning within to transcend polarizing temperaments, e.g.'s physical and metaphysical, nuanced and obvious, good and evil, woke and unwoke, donald trump and jesus christ, etc....especially without blame, one can master peace and become a king or queen in their own right. this masterpiece by zéUNITAS is a call to masterpeace.