De interés local

Estupas 2011-06-01发行
ESTUPAS - "De interés local" - [CS - 017]
HILLSIDE STRANGLER and COLLECTOR'S SERIES are back with this fabulous EP, the debut of these young people from Malaga, which will delight every fan of Iberian 80's Punk. 300 copies of a 7 ". Think TNT, Eskorbuto, KGB, Social Security ... and get ready to listen to compact songs with real Punk lyrics. Everything is in its place: the guitar roars as it has to roar, the bass leads (and in what way), the drums are simply perfect and the voice wavers in a cute way in a badass way with a slight boyish tone, tearing just when it should. In short, 6 round songs from revival Punk that will invite you jump and chant the refrains (unless you're dead or the typical bitter envious.) Great and with the guarantee of the house, of course.