
Phototaxis 2018-01-26发行

“Neverlander”By Phototaxis官方MV
导演和剪辑:Kobie Flashman
色彩矫正:Kobie Flashman
出品人:Kobie Flashman and Ronny Chokron
摄影助理:Ziv Meiri
造型和化妆:Ronny Chokron
灵感:Nona Chalant

天使道具:Dekel Bar
面具:Efrat Cassouto and  Alon Livne
哥哥造型:Robert Robi Zlotnick
母后造型:Yasmin Wollek
Nona Chalant Private Collection

Neverlanders are angels. Angels who travel life with pure belief and persistence.
They try to be nothing but their selves. Meanwhile the watchful opponent, the emptiness, the numbness is steadily trying to catch the Neverlanders, the ones that never bend, knowing that Mother Queen (the highest being) protects the brave and honest.
This song was written in awe of those around us who do not bend to society's conformism. Those who stay true to their own inner guidance. As love seeking creatures, we nourish on the approval of those around us, and bit by bit conform to a dull 'sameness' that eats away one's true voice.
Neverlander is the image of authenticity in a world filled with plastic and self-rating machines, a calm being among all of us love seekers, approval drinkers.

Credits Video Neverlander:
Official Music Video for Phototaxis -Neverlander 
Directed Filmed and Edited by Kobie Flashman
Color Correction: Kobie Flashman
Production: Kobie Flashman and Ronny Chokron
Assistant Photographer: Ziv Meiri
Creative styling and Make Up: Ronny Chokron
Muse: Nona Chalant
The Angel Suite: Dekel Bar
The Mask: Efrat Cassouto and  Alon Livne
Big Brother Look: Robert Robi Zlotnick
Mother Queen Look: Yasmin Wollek
And Nona Chalant Private Collection.