Third Signs

Filipe Ferin 2019-08-21发行
Fresh out of Portugal, Filipe Ferin brings his own distinctive, dreamy style to the modern folk/singer-songwriter genre. Some reviews have compared him to Bon Iver with a little bit of Iron & Wine thrown into the mix, and they are not wrong. Here is what Justyn Brodsky from the Music Pact Society had to say: "Utilizing a vocal style that has a very broad range, each track from The End’s Magic is versatile with several musicianship factors that standout.
His spherical voice is very soulful and touching, it sounds like songwriter Filipe Ferin is telling you his own personal stories inspired by life and love.
You will easily get carried away by the soft flow of the music and catchy tunes. What stands out is the variety of acoustics and lyrics.
The light melodies make their way through your ears right into your heart and considering the title, you will realize that the music itself sounds magical and thus it is easy to conclude where the name of the album is coming from.