The Miracle Prayer Special Edition

Dr. Mitchell Gibson 2009-08-31发行
The Miracle Prayer Platinum Edition is a completely new and digitally remixed recording of our miraculous prayer. The new recording has a number of digitally magnified and enhanced sound energies embedded in the matrix of the recording. In the new recording, we have created new background music, new instruments, and a totally new vocal track. This version of The Miracle Prayer was recorded following a special series of meditations that I completed that were designed to accelerate and enhance my spiritual power.

The result of these enhancements has increased the power of the prayer. The digital potency process allows us to enhance and magnify the energy of a recording many times. The process is energy based and allows us to add 10 times, 100 times, 250 times, 1000 times, and 1,000,000 times magnifications of the power of the sound to each recording. The really beautiful aspect of this process is that the magnifications act on the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspect of the mind simultaneously. Furthermore, the magnification process accelerates the digital enhancement to the superliminal area of consciousness. In other words, your ears can't hear the extra energy, but your mind processes the information at astounding speed.