The Words of Power Prosperity

Dr. Mitchell Gibson 2004-03-02发行
Words of Prosperity, in this CD, you will hear a series of Words of Power that are specifically designed to bring the power of success into your life. When you want to achieve real success, success without the roller coaster effect that wealth can so often have, you must recognize that all good fortune originates from the Light of the Creator. If you believe that you are the sole architect of your success, the actual creator of your prosperity, your disregard for the Light of the Creator will impel the financial roller coaster into motion. With the appropriate words of power, you can draw good fortune directly from the Light, not through your ego. The ego can provide you with some success, but ultimately, it strips away that success from some other important area of your life. As you hear these words of power, focus on the clearest, brightest, most pure light that you can imagine. With all your might, remove all doubt and fear from your mind as you fix your attention on being happy, prosperous, and successful beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is to hold a single happy, clear, unadulterated successful thought in your mind while you focus on the words and the Light will do the rest. Another key to ridding yourself of ego based fear and chaos is to think big. Permanent happiness, joy, financial success, and harmony in your relationships are possible today while you are still on Earth. Letting go and letting the Light give to you what is rightfully yours is crucial. If you don’t genuinely believe, with all the fibers of your being that the things that you are asking for are attainable goals, then you can’t truly say that you are allowing yourself to thing big. In truth, you have let your ego trick you into thinking small………..again.