Song of the Millennia

The Hate Club 2019-04-27发行
This song talks about despicable qualities in humans and yet the main hero of the song is wearing dirt proudly, like a medal. I wanted to explore antagonism and in some way it's how I see the millennial generation - nothing but complaints. The reality is that "the f*#kening" always existed in its different forms and shapes, and crying like a baby about it won't do much.

The song was written last summer in LA, my friends and I were at a pool party and we decided to write something for fun. The original instrumentals and melody were completely different, over time this song became what it is today.

It was one of those moments when lyrics came out right there, on the spot. That’s how most of the ideas appear to me, you don’t plan for it or even think about the topic and direction. It presents itself unto you. Your task is to capture it and develop.