The Living Soul Meditation

Dr. Mitchell Gibson 2003-12-31发行
The Living Soul Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. During this time, your awareness will settle down and you will experience a unique state of calm and serenity. The body will become more relaxed and your mind will begin to approach a doorway in consciousness that you will find very useful. In this state, the mind will become open to exploring itself.

Over 600 research studies have shown that the practice of meditation helps to develop the latent creative potential that we all possess. Furthermore, meditation helps to dissolve the effects of stress, fatigue, worry, and chaos that take away the strength and energy of the body. When this happens, your overall energy, creativity, focus, and inner peace become greater.

Meditation does not require a specific religious belief or lifestyle change. It is simply a way that you can help yourself achieve greater peace and serenity in your life through the application of a few simple principles. People of all ages, races, cultures, and religions have practiced meditation for centuries for some remarkable results.