Nether Hill

Dave Reid 2014-09-01发行
A collection of Celtic inspired acoustic tracks with emotional and inspiring melodies that will capture your heart and soul.
These tracks are mostly simple and colourful melodies. Instruments played by Dave Reid on the album include Guitar (Maton 6 String), Ukulele (Lanikai 8 string), Violin, Base Guitar (Fender), and Keyboard. The more than 100-year-old Violin belonged to Dave's Great Grandfather CF Ridgway and was played at many a dance years ago. Dave's favourite track "Whiteness" is full of emotion and is very sullen. In 2005 Dave visited Shetland Islands and in particular a little place called Whiteness, where he visited family graves, so many of which were of young children - such was life in hard days of the past.
The song titled "Piglet 'n' Pooh" includes the sound recording of two pet Pigs from New Zealand - A simple little happy tune for the Chinese year of the Pig.