Matter Gray

Dave Reid 2015-09-02发行
Matter Gray recorded at ReidTunes studio 2014 shows diversity from fairly solid Rock tunes like "The Coorong Song" & "Garden of Eden" to mellow Rock-like "Invisible" & "Farewell".
Track (1), "Matter Gray" lyrics are about taking a journey to parallel new worlds (Terra Nova) by 'mind travel'. (Brain wormholes!)
Track (2), “Topsy Turvy” lyrics by friend Dave Gibson, poses the concept of events having occurred in an opposite way than history records.
Track (3), "Two Trillion Bucks" lyrics are about the Global Financial Crisis we had in 2009-2010 plus.
Track (4), "The Coorong Song" lyrics are about the greed of rice and cotton farmers along Australia's longest river, the River Murray. The river system is at risk of ecological collapse.
Track (5), "Garden of Eden" lyrics are a bit abstract, about 'Tales Tall & True', 'Poets & Prophets', 'Veils of illusions'. I'll let you interpret the meaning!
Track (6), "No Guarantees" lyrics are about finding the right partner, the ying & yang of relationships and that the trip you take together isn't easy so there are no guarantees.
Track (7), "Invisible" lyrics are about not being noticed - which sucks. Most of us have been ignored, deliberately left out or overlooked at some time or other. So this is versed in the perspective of the "transparent one".
Track (8), "Farewell" lyrics are about a friend or loved one leaving/dying and that being apart will not be forever - they will see each other soon enough on the other side.