
Marella Motta 2019-02-15发行
And everything in between (Another Music Records)
Marella Motta

“And everything in between” is the debut album of singer songwriter Marella Motta. Written and arranged with the producer Jacopo Mazza, it is published by the Parisian label Another Music Records and distributed worldwide by all its partners. The album collects moments and episodes of Marella’s path. Accompanied by an essential instrumentation, her voice is free to explore, to try and take the listener by the hand and take him with her. What she wants to be heard is the loving care for something extremely precious, the method which is substance. Slowness, attention, value. A trio that at times sounds like a symphonic orchestra and then suddenly dives into the deepness of soul and funk played with energy and heart. The instruments run after each other in a succession of interplay where Marella’s leading voice becomes at times complement in a dialogue between the piano and the drums. The album also contains the precious contribution of Keith Middleton’s voice and poetry in the song California that takes the listener deeper into the black music influence implied in the whole album.