Lower the mask

Mugshot 2018-11-05发行

The Mugshot born in 2007, band with a stoner grunge sound, they publish with the first formation an Ep "Mr. Scott" (2008), the first CD "This life" (2009) and two videos on you tube "So insecure" and " I know myself ". After a good feedback and consent, both from the critics and from the public, even in their lives, the band changes different formations, then stops for a period. In 2017, yet another new training, only the singer, Paolo Inzaina, remains of the first line-up who decides to continue with a harder and more determined sound and with new musicians. They enter the studio for the second album "Lower the mask" (2018/19), thanks also to the interest of Martino Buttieri of the Metropolitan music studio of Bologna, who takes the new sound of the band to heart, and records the new album !. ..stay rock