
L'AFFAIRE SIRVEN 2018-01-01发行
On stage the power trio reveals the breadth of its originality: acoustic piano with impressionistic Satie-like phrasing, acoustic drums drawing on African roots, mingled with a hint of electronic sound throbbing with deep bass tones and minimalist beats, overlaid with dual feminine-masculine vocals sharing the lead or coming together to form a single voice.
Deep within each episode of l’Affaire’s case history beats the heart of a generation whose experience is already rich enough to glance back to where we have come from yet raring to explore new territory. The words of the narrative tell universal stories of revolt and love and speak to us about ourselves in our perpetual quest for human construction.
« This unstoppable cocktail navigates in the trail of an electro-acoustic-pop boat steered by ghosts evoking Gainsbourg, Satie or Monk, and which the journey in the middle of unpredictable internal landscapes leaves us rich in tunes which do not stop haunting us. Unclassifiable and already familiar.» (French Press)