
海朋森 2015-04-20发行
No Need For Another History is Chengdu five-piece Hiperson's debut full-length studio album, recorded in Yang Haisong's Psychic Kong studio in July 2014. The album will be officially released by Maybe Mars Records on CD (11 tracks) and double vinyl LP (12 tracks) on April 20, 2015.

Though the band members have just entered their 20s, they have, in the wake of a steady string of successful live shows, unexpectedly garnered a wealth of sincere critical praise. As early as a year and a half ago, Douban Music said of the band: "Hiperson's songs have rich song structure, full-throated vocal presence, and an especially poetic lyrical spirit. In this increasingly methodical, fast-food generation, Hiperson emerges as a rare manifestation of the genuine spirit of rock'n'roll."

In No Need For Another History, a delicate blend of the band members' distinct individual temperaments, deep musical heritage, and art school background is on display. Each song is constructed on top of a dynamic, locked-in rhythm, jumping from phrase to phrase like a fawn moving through a forest; the guitar riffs likewise move nimbly throughout the rhythmic structure, occasionally breaking them apart to pierce the eardrums with showstopping effects; hovering over all this interplay between order and chaos, frontwoman Chen Sijiang's strong, self-assured voice penetrates, brimming with the inimitable confidence of youth, renouncing and surpassing any kind of received authority to tell her own history, frankly speaking about their distrust of the adult world with an autonomous vow of youth.

Hiperson does not adhere rigidly to formalities or received styles of rock'n'roll in itself. Even less so are they romantics: "No Need For Another History," no pretense, no illusions.

This is not a simple matter. Coming of age early in the 21st century, after a throughly dull, lacking first decade, Hiperson uses their native tongue to express themselves, and in this first album, deliver a specimen of rock music at its most bracing, honest, sensitive, and poetic. With these 11 songs, Hiperson quietly takes a firm, first step into the halls of Chinese rock'n'roll greats.