“Totem” is a debut album by pianist and composer Kajetan Borowski. The album, under the auspices of Polskie Radio Program II, JazzPress,, Jazz Forum and a blog Polish Jazz, includes 11 leader's compositions and "Blue Bossa" by Kenny Dorham.
The band’s work is maintained in the style of European jazz, with strong influences of the Polish school of composers and lyricism characteristic for the local folklore.
The trio of musicians has cooperated with the most important jazz instrumentalists of the Polish and foreign music scene, including: Piotr Wojtasik, Maciej Sikała, David Doruzka, Andreas Kapsalis or Janusz Muniak. Kajetan Borowski has been teaching at the Jazz Department of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. Pianist was nominated for the Polish music industry award Fryderyk 2017 in Jazz Music category - Debut of the Year.