
Nerviosah 2015-10-05发行
First work and "approach", it seemed to us a very old school sound, with very thrash touches and knowing that it was a band that moved through the North area and whose nerve center was in Bilbo, today they are in Guipúzcoa, it was not surprising at all. Well, not only punk or hardcore have good followers and tradition in those lands, but thrash from the 80s and 90s, which is part of the sound they show off.

How could it be otherwise, in every self-respecting underground group, there is someone who is in charge of the flyers, posters, design and all the existing and future graphic framework. Well, in this regard, Tiju (guitarist) surprises us again with an excellent cover, H.R. Giger and that in addition, of the graphic and design quality, is very explanatory and agrees perfectly with the generic title of the album: "Dehumanization".

Labels and collectives have intervened such as: Collector's Series DIY, DDT Banaketak, La Humanidad Es La Plaga, Víctimas Del Progreso Crímenes De Estado, Ediciones Aversivas and Azpikultura, Subeltz.