DE GROOT 2018-12-24发行
Are you angry with me? Are you really as hot as they say? I do what I can to treat you with care and respect, but I often struggle. Say something, please! Or doesn’t it matter to you? Is it just the way it is? Sometimes I’m hot and sometimes I’m cold. C’est la vie alors.
If it’s really necessary, I’ll correct things. It’s not your fault, even though it actually is. But don’t worry too much: have a bit of compassion for yourself, and for your neighbour with his new 8-cylinder car. Well, whatever. Do what you can, that’s more than enough. Sure, sometimes it brings me down, but apparently that’s just a part of life.
At some stage we’ll all be sucked into another dimension through a black hole anyway, unless we’re hit in the head again by a rock, just like millions of years ago. Those dinosaurs weren’t perfect, either! You tend to romanticise it a bit too much, if you ask me. The last thing I’ll say is this: try to live in the present moment more and enjoy life. Before you know it, it’s over.
I hope I’ve been able to give you some consolation. I have to go now, the sun’s calling! Goodbye, dear people
P.S.: take care of each other