Percy Faith

帕西费斯(1908——1976)他和他的乐队是美国着名的轻音乐队。他是美国轻音乐编曲家兼乐队指挥。他出生于加拿大。早年帕西菲斯作为钢琴手在剧院里为无声电影伴奏配乐,后来转入轻音乐编曲工作。帕西菲斯乐队的特点是以弦乐为主体,有时也以钢琴演奏主旋律,并且强烈表现爵士乐的风格。帕西菲斯比较擅长演奏抒情宜人的电影主题音乐和流行音乐。 到了50年代后期和60年代,帕西菲斯锐意创新,在演奏时引入新颖的音响效果,运用符合现代潮流的节奏和韵律,赋予作品以美感,帕西菲斯也是当时多产的艺术家,他的大量唱片深受广大乐迷的青睐,很多成为金唱片。

Percy Faith (April 7, 1908 – February 9, 1976) was a Canadian-born American bandleader, orchestrator, composer and conductor, known for his lush arrangements of pop and Christmas standards. He is often credited with creating the "easy listening" or "mood music" format which became staples of American popular music in the 1950s and continued well into the 1960s. Though his professional orchestra-leading career began at the height of the swing era, Faith refined and rethought orchestration techniques, including use of large string sections, to soften and fill out the brass-dominated popular music of the 1940s.
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